Võrkronila Exercise Net M COR39331

Tootekood: COR39331 Hind: Küsi pakkumust

The Exercise Net - Medium intensely moti-vates children to climb up high with its bouncy ropes and varied seating possibilities. The feeling of achievement when having climbed to the top is phenomenal. This makes children come back again and again to have more of the bouncy climbing fun. climbing the bouncy, interdependent meshes of the transparent net is challenging fun. Additionally it trains fundamental motor skills like spatial awareness and sense of balance: These skills are necessary to judge distances. The swaying mast make for trai-ning of major muscle groups when children Climb and cling onto the moving meshes: arms push and pull, legs push and the core provides stability. Apart from being great fun, the Exercise Net trains consideration of others and self regulation, when children are seated up high. These skills are necessary for children's social-emotional development.

Toote dokumendid:


Pikkus 6.40
Laius 6.40
Kõrgus 4.45
Kriitiline kukkumiskõrgus 1.80

Turvaala EN1176:

Pikkus 10.00
Laius 10.00